$50.00 USD

ERP for Specific Conditions 2025 | SEP: CHRONIC PAIN

Thursday | September 4, 2025 9:00AM - 10:00AM

Dr. Tiff Thompson will discuss event-related potentials in regard to Chronic Pain. Join in the ninth installment of this 2025 series by gaining more insight into this debilitating condition. Chronic Pain is defined as pain that lasts more than a few months, or longer than a typical recovery period for injury or health condition, manifesting in a number of conditions that can be consistent or intermittent. Chronic pain can disrupt the ability to work, eat properly, or simply enjoy life.

Join Dr. Thompson each month for an exploration of best practices for blending neurotherapy with other modalities to support event related potentials and networks for a series of specific conditions, with a  different focus topic presented each session.