
May 2024 Guest Speaker: Valdeane Brown, PhD

Dr. Brown holds a Ph.D. in Psychology. For over 25 years he taught Continuing Medical Education courses in a wide range of topics. He has been a featured and keynote speaker at numerous national and international conferences in the fields of neurofeedback, child psychology, Total Quality Management, and others. He developed and published the Five Phase Model of Neurofeedback - the first and only approach to clinical neurofeedback that integrates multiple protocols into a single approach for use regardless of clinical presentation. With a background in mathematics, physics, computer programming, and implementing automated outcome studies, as well as multimodal assessment, he co-developed, with his wife Dr. Sue Brown, the Period Three Approach to neurofeedback, which was fundamental to their revolutionary neurofeedback system (which became NeurOptimal®), showcasing their vision of Dynamical Neurofeedback™. Retired from active programming, Dr. Brown directs architectural development of NeurOptimal® and is involved in research and development at Zengar.