$125.00 USD

Every month

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Golden Membership 2025 (monthly)

2025's Monthly Golden Membership Perks

Experience a monthly value of nearly $700 in products for only $125/month! Additionally, enjoy free and discounted access to School of Neurotherapy courses, classes, special topics, trainings and more! 


  • Case Studies
  • ERP Study Group
  • Catch Up w/ Nick
  • ERP for Specific Conditions
  • Neurostim for Clinical Profiles

You also get discounts on the following courses:

  • 10% off Any 5-Day NeuroField Bootcamp
    10% off Any 3-Day Advanced Training
  • 10% off 5-Day QEEG Didactic Training

Please note that free & discounted access to courses begins on the date of your purchase, and does not apply to courses or classes that took place prior to your purchase date.

Your membership is active to renew each month unless cancelled.

If you cancel your membership, you will relinquish access to all the perks listed above.